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Briefly this was my home. I felt safe here. If found, please remember one day you will come back to yourself.
Coco Mesh, Car Hood Frame, Plants form Southwest Detroit.
Build this nest to comfort myself during constant transitions.
Build this nest to comfort myself during constant transitions.

La Casa De Mis Abuelos en Lagos
Plaster, Plants, Metal Bar.
My Grandfathers Auto shop. My Grandmothers embroidery. Orange Bread. Canela. Bunnies at my grandfather's baseball games.
My Grandfathers Auto shop. My Grandmothers embroidery. Orange Bread. Canela. Bunnies at my grandfather's baseball games.

Vida Y la Muerte
Resin, corn, bell from my childhood home, glitter, marigolds, clothing pin from my grandmother, rosemary, bay leaves, and intentions of divine protection.

In every lifetime you exist
Plaster, Paint, and a Blanket from Chido.

Again and again, under the ancient trees we lay ourselves down and look up at the sky.
Resin, corn, bell from my childhood home, glitter, marigolds, clothing pin from my grandmother, rosemary, bay leaves, and intentions of divine protection.

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