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El tiempo pasa pero yo sigo aquí
i lost myself years ago, that i hesitated to start again. to try to find myself again. afraid to begin. my grief continued to pass be me. My pain is that of a child at night. I sing and I’m afraid. I love you and I am afraid and I will never tell you with my true voice, this slow sad lonely voice. That’s why I write to you in a language you don’t know. You will never read me and you will never know about my love my loss the years i stood still in fear. i live to remember there’s is not enough time in this world to forget. i remember my mother and the way she would walk me in the same places i stood still in these shoes. i remember my father and his smell. i won’t forget the way the sun sets at the mountain and how my father and i watch the village as he shares stories how my brother and him stood there in the same shadows. i won’t forget the trees my parents planted for each one of us specifically and how they chose mine because the leave shine even without sun. i will never forget the mountains even if i cry. i traveled light years and life times to meet you again. i use to pray that we met together in a better life. while i have this one for as i exist, you will always be loved.

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